Category: Faith Based Recovery Initiative

  • Wayspring

    WayspringFocusing on: Community Recovery/Prevention ResourcesService Site: WayspringAddress: 209 10th Ave S #350, Cummins Station, Nashville, TN 37203County: MarionTelephone: (463) 204-0331Fax Number: –Crisis Line (24 Hour) Phone Number: –Intake Phone Number: (317) outpatient services. We provide on-going recovery support that allows resourcing and clinical providers that offer BH, PCP, MAT and individual therapy.Operating Hours: Monday:…

  • Decatur Township Drug Free Coalition

    Decatur Township Drug Free CoalitionFocusing on: Community Recovery/ Prevention ResourcesAddress: 5106 S. High School Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46221County: MarionTelephone: 317-203-9582www.drugfreedecatur.orgOur Coalition exists to prevent and reduce drug use among youth in Decatur Township by strengthening the family unit through collaboration of community resources.Operating Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Saturday N/A, Sunday N/AWalk-in Hours: Monday N/A, Tuesday N/A,…

  • Beech Grove Comprehensive Drug-Free Coalition

    Beech Grove Comprehensive Drug-Free CoalitionFocusing on: Community Recovery/ Prevention ResourcesAddress: PO Box 724, Beech Grove, IN 46107County: Marionwww.beechgrovecdfc.orgProvide prevention/treatment/recovery information and support and education opportunities.Operating Hours: Monday N/A, Tuesday N/A, Wednesday N/A, Thursday N/A, Friday N/AWalk-in Hours: Monday N/A, Tuesday N/A, Wednesday N/A, Thursday N/A, Friday N/A, Saturday N/A, Sunday N/AWe are not handicap accessible.Our focus is on: Community…

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