Category: Support – Parents

  • JA Recovery

    JA RecoveryFocusing on: Community Recovery/Prevention ResourcesService Site: JA RecoveryAddress: Carmel, Indiana, 46033County: HamiltonTelephone: (317) 340-2599Fax Number: –Crisis Line (24 Hour) Phone Number: (317) 340-2599Intake Phone Number: (317) JA Recovery, we provide a nonjudgmental space for individuals and families to get help for addiction and mental health disorders. Working with us means you have a…

  • The 24 Group

    The 24 GroupFocusing on: Community Recovery/ Prevention ResourcesService Site: 11715 Fox RoadAddress: 11715 Fox Road, Suite 400-131, Indianapolis, IN 46236County: MarionTelephone: 317-331-5949Fax Number: 317-331-5949Intake Telephone: 317-331-5949Crisis (24 Hour) Telephone: 317-331-5949www.the24group.orgThe 24 Group is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization based in Indianapolis that seeks to inform and educate on the topic of addiction and recovery via its online presence and community…

  • PAL-Parents of Addicted Loved Ones

    PAL-Parents of Addicted Loved OnesFocusing on: Community Recovery/ Prevention ResourcesService Site: Go to to find one of the 17 Indiana meetings near youAddress: 2530 North, 600 East, Avon, IN 46123County: HendricksTelephone: 317-502-3456www.palgroup.orgPAL is faith-based and uses evidence-based practices through peer-to-peer support groups to help families learn healthy ways to deal with an adult child struggling with Substance Use…

  • Overdose Lifeline

    Overdose Lifeline, Inc. (ODL)Focusing on: Community Recovery/ Prevention ResourcesService Site: 1100 W. 42nd StreetAddress: 1100 W. 42nd Street #240, Indianapolis, IN 46208County: MarionTelephone: 844-554-3354www.overdoselifeline.orgOverdose Lifeline is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals, families, and communities affected by the disease of substance use disorder through advocacy, education and support. We work with partners across the state of Indiana…

  • The Landing Place

    The Landing Place, Inc.Focusing on: Community Recovery/ Prevention ResourcesService Site: The Landing Place, Inc.Address: 18 W. South Street, Greenfield, IN 46140County: HancockTelephone: 317-477-8483Crisis (24 Hour) Telephone: 317-525-7791www.thelandingplacehc.comThe Landing Place is a recovery center for support groups.Operating Hours: Monday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Tuesday 10:00 AM – 8:30 PM, Wednesday 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Thursday 10:00 AM –…

  • Decatur Township Drug Free Coalition

    Decatur Township Drug Free CoalitionFocusing on: Community Recovery/ Prevention ResourcesAddress: 5106 S. High School Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46221County: MarionTelephone: 317-203-9582www.drugfreedecatur.orgOur Coalition exists to prevent and reduce drug use among youth in Decatur Township by strengthening the family unit through collaboration of community resources.Operating Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Saturday N/A, Sunday N/AWalk-in Hours: Monday N/A, Tuesday N/A,…

  • Beech Grove Comprehensive Drug-Free Coalition

    Beech Grove Comprehensive Drug-Free CoalitionFocusing on: Community Recovery/ Prevention ResourcesAddress: PO Box 724, Beech Grove, IN 46107County: Marionwww.beechgrovecdfc.orgProvide prevention/treatment/recovery information and support and education opportunities.Operating Hours: Monday N/A, Tuesday N/A, Wednesday N/A, Thursday N/A, Friday N/AWalk-in Hours: Monday N/A, Tuesday N/A, Wednesday N/A, Thursday N/A, Friday N/A, Saturday N/A, Sunday N/AWe are not handicap accessible.Our focus is on: Community…

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