Step 1: Add Provider Type

  1. wp-admin –> posts –> Categories –> Add New
  2. wp-admin –> posts –> Add New
  3. Enter Name (Will show up on Provider Directory)
  4. wp-admin –> posts –> Add New
  5. Name will be the same as new Category
  6. Click Edit with Elementor
  7. Click on Grey Folder Icon to “Add Template”
  8. Select My Templates Tab
  9. Insert ProviderTEMP Template
  10. Save, Exit
  11. wp-admin –> posts –> Quick Edit New provider post you just created
  12. Under categories select “Providers”
  13. Under categories deselect uncategorized
  14. Under Tags add “Provider”
  15. Click Update
  16. That category is now available to new and existing agency locations

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