Below is information about transportation options for Persons with Substance Use Disorder in and around the greater metropolitan Indianapolis area. This guide provides information about contacts and costs associated with the transportation. Some of the options require healthcare coverage. The Transportation Toolkit is also available on the IRN (Indiana Recovery Network) site as well as additional resource information.
Download a copy of the Transportation Toolkit for further reference or to print and display.
Emergency transportation: Call 911
Non-Emergency Transportation: Call 211 – Indiana’s Information and Referral Service
- Enter the 5-digit zip code
- Press 1- Mental Health or Substance Use Disorder
- Press 9 – Rides to and from treatment through Lyft
FREE rides statewide, cannot have Medicaid/HIP Plus or live within 2 city blocks from bus stop, limited funding end of the month.
The Indiana Recovery Network (IRN) is partnering with IN211, DMHA, and Lyft to offer free rides for individuals in recovery. Rides can be for anything that apply to the four dimensions of recovery: Health, Home, Community and Purpose.
- Rides are available Monday-Sunday from 9 AM -8 PM EST.
- Must be a participant with the Regional Recovery Hub in your region.
- Complete eligibility assessment with a peer staff member at the Hub.
- Get your ride.
Visit our website to connect to a Hub in your region.

Managed Care Coverage
Make reservations 2 days in advance and have available:
- Member ID Number
- Date of Birth
- Address of pickup and drop off with zip code, phone number and appointment time
Be sure to check health plan coverage for ride limitations per calendar year, mileage reimbursement and bus passes. Only use if no other safe transportation option is available.
Call :
- Anthem – (844) 772-6632 Hoosier Care Connect, Hoosier Healthwise, Healthy Indiana Plans (HIP)
- CareSource – (844) 607-2829
- CHIP – Call 911 only covers emergency ride to a hospital
- Managed Health Services (MHS) – (800) 508-7230
- MDWise – (800) 356-1204
- Medicaid – (855) 325-7586
- CICOA/Way2Go – (800) 432-2422
Marion County residents 60+ years old and have completed an application are eligible.
My Freedom increases transportation options for individuals of any age with disabilities in central Indiana counties- Boone, Hamilton, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, and Shelby. Must fill out application to be eligible for this program
Bus Lines – IndyGo and Red Line –
Visit the website to assist with Routes, Fares, Passes and reduced fare applications. Applications are available to those who quality in Marion County:
- Free for Veterans
- Half-price tickets for 18 and younger, 65 and older
- Half-price tickets for the disabled – *MENTAL HEALTH & SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER QUALIFY*
- Visit the website to apply with medical approval:
- Fares and Passes
- Half Fare
- Fill out the application- choice of language English or Spanish
- Half Fare Supplemental Application – must fill out both
- Half Fare cards cost $2.00 for 3 years